Hello! My name is Cristina Marinescu. I defense my Ph.D. thesis (Cum Laude) in March 2009 at Politehnica University of Timisoara,
under the supervision of Prof. Ioan Jurca. The scope of my Ph.D. thesis is the research field of software engineering, while
its main goal is to address the issue of high and
constantly growing complexity of enterprise software systems and the issue of their permanent need for adaptation to always
new requirements. In this context, the thesis introduces new techniques and software instruments, which are helpful in order
to understand, evaluate and enhance the quality of this type of systems.
During my Ph.D. studies I published 11 scientific papers, 9 of them
being published by IEEE Computer Society and 6 being presented at different major software engineering conferences (WCRE,
Currently, I teach the Object Oriented Programming and Programing Techniques labs. Recently, I was involved in the development
of the Algorithms for Parallel Computing laboratory. I am a member of the LOOSE Research Group and
I have a position of junior researcher at the eAustria Institute Timisoara. And…details about my new, permanent and dear "activity" you can find here.