Shortest Path Algorithms

This set of exercises accompanies Lecture on Shortest Paths of the course Algorithm Design and Analysis.


Many problems can be abstracted as a graph problem of finding a shortest path from a vertex s to another vertex d.

However, finding a shortest path from s to d has the same worst case complexity as finding all shortest paths with the source in s. This is why shortest path algorithms have focused on the single-source shortest paths problem.

The known algorithms for single-source shortest paths are:

All-pair shortest paths can be determined with Floyd-Warshall algorithm. This is better than applying V times the single-source shortest paths algorithms. A version of this algorithm can be used to determine the Transitive Closure.

Short comprehension exercises

Given the graphs in the figures below, try to apply Dijkstra's algorithm to determime the shortest paths with origin in A, for all the 3 graphs. Explain the results ! For which graph is the shortest path problem actually not defined ?

Thinking exercises

Consider the following assertion: You can rescale the weights of the edges by adding the same positive constant to all of them without affecting the shortest paths. True or false? If you think that it is true, give a general proof. If you think that it is false, it is enough to give a counterexample.

Consider the following assertion: You can obtain as results the longest paths if you "reverse" Dijkstra algorithm: initialize distance array with -infinity and change distance comparison into if (distance[v] < distance[u] + weight[u][v]) { distance[v] = distance[u] + weight[u][v] } True or false? If you think that it is true, give a general proof. If you think that it is false, it is enough to give a counterexample.

Programming section

Shortest paths in directed graph with positive weights - Dijkstra algorithm

The ticket prices for traveling by bus on direct connections between pairs of cities are known. Implement a travel planner for planning a journey from a source city to a destination city, using buses, such that the total cost of the journey is minimum.

The program reads the graph of cities and direct connections from a text file with following format:
- first line contains N, the number of cities
- second line contains M, the number of direct connections
- the next M lines contain triplets of the form city1 city2 price, where city1 and city2 are integer numbers in the range 0 to N-1 and price is an integer number

Read from standard input the numbers identifying the source and the destination cities.

Print the cheapest travel route (sequence of cities) from source to destination and its total price.

Examples of graph input files: directed weighted positive

Shortest paths in directed graph with negative weights - Bellman-Ford algorithm

The prices for traveling by bus on direct connections between pairs of cities are known. For certain connections, however, the local tourist office offers promotion vouchers that may be even bigger than the price of the corresponding bus ticket.

Implement a travel planner for planning a journey from a source city to a destination city, using buses such that the total cost of the journey is minimum.

The program reads the graph of cities and direct connections from a text file with following format:
- first line contains N, the number of cities
- second line contains M, the number of direct connections
- the next M lines contain triplets of the form city1 city2 cost, where city1 and city2 are integer numbers in the range 0 to N-1 and cost is the difference price-voucher, and can be a positive or negative integer number

Read from standard input the numbers identifying the source and the destination cities.

Print the cheapest travel route (sequence of cities) from source to destination and its total price.

Examples of graph input files: directed weighted, may contain negative weights

Finding a negative weight cycle in a directed graph

For the bus tickets and vouchers problem described above, determine if there is any circuit (a path starting from a city and ending back in the same city) that could be done by a tourist such that, at the end, he actually gains money by traveling that particular circuit (the vouchers gained on that circuit are worth more than the sum of the bus tickets). The tourist is initially in a source city and the curcuit must be reachable from the source city. Print out the cities composing the circuit.

The program reads the graph of cities and direct connections from a text file with following format:
- first line contains N, the number of cities
- second line contains M, the number of direct connections
- the next M lines contain triplets of the form city1 city2 cost, where city1 and city2 are integer numbers in the range 0 to N-1 and cost is the difference price-voucher, and can be a positive or negative integer number

Read from standard input the number identifying the source city.

Determine if there is negative weight circuit reachable from the source city. Print the cities composing the circuit.

Examples of graph input files: directed weighted, may contain negative weights

Transitive closure - Floyd-Warshall

Consider a computer system with several user accounts. Each user has by default a security permission to access his or her own account. Users may want to cooperate and give one another permission to use their account. However, if A has permission to use B's account, and B has permission to use C's account, then A may be able to use C's account as well. Identify for each user all the other users with permission (either directly or indirectly) to use his account.

Examples of graph input files: directed unweighted

Shortest paths with at most k intermediate stops

The ticket prices for traveling by bus on direct connections between pairs of cities are known.

Implement a travel planner for planning a journey from a source city to a destination city, using buses, such that the total cost of the journey is minimum AND there are no more than K intermediate stops.

The program reads the graph of cities and direct connections from a text file with following format:
- first line contains N, the number of cities
- second line contains M, the number of direct connections
- the next M lines contain triplets of the form city1 city2 price, where city1 and city2 are integer numbers in the range 0 to N-1 and price is an integer number.

Read from standard input the numbers identifying the source and the destination cities and K, the maximum number of intermediate stops.

Print the cheapest travel route (print the sequence of cities) from source to destination with no more than K intermediate stops and its total price, or no solution.

Examples of graph input files: directed weighted positive


0 1 5
0 2 3
0 3 9
1 3 1
2 3 3
3 4 2

source=0   destination=4
k=1 (no more than 1 intermediate stop)

The total price for the cheapest travel route from 0 to 4 with no more than k=1 intermediate stops is 11
The travel route is 0 - 3 - 4

How many shortest path variants are there between a source and a destination?

The ticket prices for traveling by bus on direct connections between pairs of cities are known.

Implement a travel planner for planning a journey from a source city to a destination city, using buses, such that the total cost of the journey is minimum. It is possible that between a source and a destination there is no journey possible, or a journey is possible and one or several path variants exist.

The program reads the graph of cities and direct connections from a text file with following format:
- first line contains N, the number of cities
- second line contains M, the number of direct connections
- the next M lines contain triplets of the form city1 city2 price, where city1 and city2 are integer numbers in the range 0 to N-1 and price is a positive integer number.

Read from standard input the numbers identifying the source and the destination cities.

Print the total price for the cheapest travel route from source to destination and also print how many different paths are possible with this price

Examples of graph input files: directed weighted positive


0 1 5
0 2 3
0 3 9
1 3 1
2 3 3

source=0   destination=3

The total price for the cheapest travel route from 0 to 3 is 6
The number of different paths with this cost is 2

Shortest zero-path in matrix

Read a binary matrix with n rows and n columns, with integer elements that can have values 0 or 1.

Find the shortest zero-path in the matrix or say that no such path exists.

A zero-path in a binary matrix is a path from the top-left element (coordinates (0, 0)) to the bottom-right element (coordinates (n - 1, n - 1)) such that all the visited elements of the path are 0. From a current element the path can continue in any of the 8 neighbor elements if the neighbor contains the value 0. The length of a path is the number of visited cells of this path.

Your solution must find the length of the shortest path and the sequence of elements which compose the shortest path.

The input must be read from text files with the following format:
- the first line contains the integer value n
- the next n lines contain the elements of the matrix.

Examples of binary matrix input files: binary matrix

Shortest path to flowers

A terrain is in the form of a plain with rocks and flowers. A map of the terrain is given as a grid with N x N cells. If a cell contains a rock it is marked with character '|', if it contains a flower it is marked with the character '*', otherwise it is plain and marked with character '.'.

You are given a starting position in the grid (coordinates xs, ys with values in interval 0 - N-1).

Find the shortest path from the starting position to a flower or print that there is no such path.

A path is a sequence of cells that contain no rocks. From a current cell the path can continue in any of the 8 neighbor cells if they contain no rocks. The length of a path is the number of visited cells of this pathb (the count includes start and end cell).

The program reads the map from a text file with following format:
- first line contains N
- second line contains xs ys the starting point coordinates
- the next N lines contain strings of N characters, that can be symbols for Rock, Flower or Plain.

Your solution must find:
- if there is a path
- the length of the shortest path to a flower
- the sequence of cells which compose the shortest path to a flower

Examples of map input files: map input files

Example input:

4 5
For this input data the result is 3 - the shortest path to a flower visits 3 cells (counting starting cell and final cell as well).

Exploding bombs

A terrain is in the form of a grid with cells. Some cells can contain bombs. Each bomb has a power which gives its range, the area where its distructive effect can be felt. This area is in the shape of a circle with the center as the location of the bomb. When a bomb is detonated, it will detonate all bombs that lie in its range. These bombs will further detonate the bombs that lie in their ranges.

You are given a number on N bombs. For each bomb we know its x, y coordinates and the radius of its distructive range.

Find out which is the maximum number of bombs that can be detonated if in the beginning one of the N bombs is detonated.

The input must be read from text files with the following format:
- the first line contains the integer value N (total number of bombs)
- the next N lines contain the bombs. On each line we have X, Y, Radius

The output must show: the maximum number of bombs that can be detonated and the ID of a bomb that can cause this detonation.

Examples of map input files: bombs input files

Find Path with Minimum Number of Rocks to Remove

A terrain is in the form of a plain with rocks. A map of the terrain is given as a grid with N x N cells. If a cell contains a rock it is marked with character '|', otherwise it is plain and marked with character '.'.

Your starting position in the grid is top left corner at coordinates 0,0 and your destination is the bottom right corner at coordinates N-1,N-1. Find a path where you have to remove a minimum number of rocks.

A path is a sequence of cells. From a current cell the path can continue in any of the 4 neighbor cells (up, down, left, right) and if the neighbor cell contains a rock the rock will be removed. The cost of a path is the number of rocks that have been removed.

The program reads the map from a text file with following format:
- first line contains N
- the next N lines contain strings of N characters, that can be symbols for Rock or Plain.

Your solution must find:
- the minimum number of rocks to be removed in order to find a path from start to destination.
- a sequence of cells which compose the path in this case

Examples of map input files: simple map input files

Example input and solution:


The minimum number of rocks to be removed is 1
A possible path with this cost is: