open Scanf let skipspace() = scanf "%_[\t\011\012\r ]" () let rec factor() = skipspace(); try scanf "(" (); let r = expr() in skipspace(); try scanf ")" (); r with End_of_file Scan_failure _ -> failwith "missing )" with Scan_failure _ -> scanf "%d" (fun x -> x)(* citeste un intreg *) and term() = let rec term1 t1 = (* a citit t1, cauta mai departe factor *) skipspace(); try try scanf "*" (); term1(t1 * factor()) with Scan_failure _ -> scanf "/" (); term1(t1 / factor()) with End_of_file Scan_failure _ -> t1 in term1 (factor()) (* citeste termen, pornind de la primul factor *) and expr() = let rec expr1 e1 = (* a citit e1, cauta mai departe termen *) skipspace(); try try scanf "+" (); expr1 (e1 + term()) with Scan_failure _ -> scanf "-" (); expr1 (e1 - term()) with End_of_file Scan_failure _ -> e1 in expr1 (term()) (* citeste expresie, pornind de la primul termen *) ;; (* citirea se termina la \n sau EOF *) print_int(expr()); print_newline()
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