type bform = V of string Neg of bform And of bform * bform Or of bform * bform (* o formulă, (p/\q \/ r) /\ ~p *) let f1 = And (Or (And (V "p", V "q"), V "r"), Neg (V "p")) module M = Map.Make(String) (* o interpretare *) let interp1 = M.singleton "p" true |> M.add "r" false |> M.add "q" true let eval interp = let rec eval1 = function V s -> M.find s interp Neg f -> not (eval1 f) And (f1, f2) -> eval1 f1 && eval1 f2 Or (f1, f2) -> eval1 f1 || eval1 f2 in eval1 let t1 = eval interp1 f1 module S = Set.Make(String) (* colectează toate propozițiile (variabilele propoziționale) dintr-o formulă *) let rec allvars = function V s -> S.singleton s Neg f -> allvars f And (f1, f2) Or (f1, f2) -> S.union (allvars f1) (allvars f2) let t2 = allvars f1 |> S.elements
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