Create a Quartus Project

Create a new Quartus project (Quartus version used 7.2)

Open project wizard

Select File -> New Project Wizard

Pass the Introduction screen

Just click the Next button

Select the project folder, and project name

1. Select a folder for the project
2. Enter a name for the project
3. Click the Next button

Add existing files to the project

If no files are to be added at this step, just click next

Select the target FPGA chip

For Altera DE2:
1. Select the Cyclone II family,
2. Pick the EP2C35F672C6 device, and click Next

Select third-party EDA tools

One can select here, for example, a different simulation environment such as Modelsim.
Click Next afterwards.

Final step

Just click the Finish button

Start building the Project

Note: The topmost Quartus entity must have the same named as the project!