Abstract: The aim of this project is to develop the e-Learning part of the AUTOSAR (AUTomotive Open System ARchitecture) Division in Continental Automotive Romania. The aim of AUTOSAR is to create and further establish different standars for Automotive Electrics and Electronics architectures. Such an infrastructure can assis with the developing of automotive software. The current trend is to adopt AUTOSAR on different functional areas therefore is a tremendous demand of state-of-the-art trainings, availables in different R&D locations. Hence the need to offer e-Learning trainings in a reliable and dependable fashion.
TD/54 Razvan Bogdan (Director), “A Data Security Perspective On Information Transmission Over Distributed Systems”, 2008 – 2009; Suma: 33600 lei, Financing source: Tineri Doctoranzi (TD54/2008)
Abstract: State-of-the-art concerns regarding intelligent agents based systems are showing the necessity of developing techniques for addressing the problem of security and dependability. A design for reliability and testability imposes as designing desideratum. In this regard specific methods are tested and employed, but also different solutions are provided. A very important feature of this intelligent grid is that the dependability of individual resources may not be able to be guaranteed. Giving the fact that every single resource is used outside of organizational boundaries, it becomes a real problem when guarantying that a resource being used is not malicious in some way. In order to perform a relevant simulation based assessment of architecture reliability, very accurate fault models must be realized. Therefore, it is necessary to perform a rigorous study and analysis of threats. Furthermore, the errors occurrence models are very important for the reliability assessment, thus an analysis of them is also required. Security and reliability can be achieved in terms of redundancy and the authentication of different exchanged messages can be realized by digital signatures based on hash functions. Other two methods are also proposed for intelligent grid in order to attain security and dependability. The first method aims at detecting and correcting different errors from the exchanged messages between agents. The second method provides targeted detection schemes for different types of attacks from a dictionary attacks. More than this the experimental part of this last method revealed that a certain feedback polynomial is the most appropriate to be used in order to detect the attacks from the developed attacks dictionary. Nevertheless, in order to test the offered solutions, relative risk measures are presented which appliance is not limited to the subject of the proposed architecture.
Mircea Popa (UPT Partner project manager), Marius Marcu, Sebastian Fuicu, Razvan Bogdan et al., "Joint Cross-Border Internet Communication System of the University of Debrecen and Politehnica University of Timisoara", HURO/1101/074/1.2.1 Grant, EU - European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), Budapest, Hungary. Total value: 771326 EUR.
Abstract: The overall goal of the project is to enable enhanced capacity for cross-country cooperation and interaction between and within the participating universities by providing high quality WiFi system and IP streaming system for the students, professors and researchers at the University of Debrecen and Politehnica University of Timisoara, aiming at supporting the synchronization of educational, research and development, and other scientific activities of the cooperating universities.
Marius Marcu (UPT Partner project manager), Oana Boncalo, Razvan Bogdan et al., "GreenEr Mobile Systems by Cross LAyer Integrated energy Management GEMSCLAIM", CHIST-ERA partnership projects, PNII-IDEI – 1/CHIST-ERA/01.10.2012.
Abstract: Personal computing currently faces a rapid trend from desktop machines towards mobile services, accessed via tablets, smartphones and similar terminal devices. With respect to computing power, today´s handheld devices are similar to Cray-2 supercomputers from the 1980s. Due to higher computational load (e.g. via multimedia apps) and the variety of radio interfaces (such as WiFi, 3G, and LTE), modern terminals are getting increasingly energy hungry. For instance, a single UMTS upload or a video recording process on today´s smartphones may consume as much as 1.5 Watts, i.e. roughly 50% of the maximal device power. In the near future, higher data rates and traffic, advanced media codecs, and graphics applications will ask for even more energy than the battery can deliver. At the same time, the power density limit might lead to a significant share of “Dark Silicon” at 22nm CMOS and below. Obviously, disruptive energy optimizations are required that go well beyond traditional technologies like DVFS (dynamic voltage and frequency scaling) and power-down of temporarily unused components. The GEMSCLAIM project aims at introducing novel approaches for reducing this “greed for energy”, thereby improving the user experience and enabling new opportunities for mobile computing. The focus is on three novel approaches: (1) cross layer energy optimization, ranging from the compiler over the operating system down to the target HW platform, (2) efficient programming support for energy-optimized heterogeneous Multicore platforms based on energy-aware service level agreements (SLAs) and energy-sensitive tunable parameters, and (3) introducing energy awareness into Virtual Platforms for the purpose of dynamically customizing the HW architecture for energy optimization and online energy monitoring and accounting. GEMSCLAIM will provide new methodologies and tools in these domains and will quantify the potential energy savings via benchmarks and a HW platform prototype.
Mircea Popa (UPT Partner project manager), Marius Marcu, Sebastian Fuicu, Razvan Bogdan et al., "Cross-border access infrastructure to high-level education through web-casts ", IPA, 1379/ Politehnica Univesity of Timisoara/99310/04.12.2013
Abstract: The main issues the project is trying to resolve are that the cross-border cooperation activity is limited causing a low level of experience amongst the population of the neighbouring areas and the low connectedness between the border regions. There is a clear division between the regions in the cross-border area and although they face common challenges their cooperation is insufficient and unproductive. The present project suggests an innovative cooperation model based on a web portal that allows subjects from both countries to have access to common educational materials, know-how and practical applications (laboratory materials) aimed to capture the interest of students as well as pupils who are interested in following a technical education. The portal also includes the latest news and information regarding technical content used in the IT industry, interconnecting graduates who work in companies in the border area. Besides providing information regarding the state of the art in the subjects it tackles, the portal serves as a modern learning tool for Romanian and Serbian students and pupils who will have access to lectures without being present in the location they are held and at the specific time they take place and who can view them as many times as they like by accessing the portal. The project includes cooperation activities which could not be achieved without the partnership between the two universities and that include defining the lectures and educational material recorded an posted on the portal, organizing meetings on both sides of the border for the efficient management of the project as well as for publicity and promotion purposes, acquiring the necessary hardware in software infrastructure in order to implement the objectives of the project, promoting the curricula amongst pupils in the border area and attracting them towards a technical education. The EduWebCast project refers especially to the educational field but the project idea could be extended as a joint approach for other fields of interest such as tourism, R&D centers, environmental issues and so on.
CNCSIS 371/2007
Lucian Prodan (Director), Versavia Ancusa, Razvan Bogdan et. al., "Estimarea dependabilitatii sistemelor emergente bioinspirate cu strategii ierarhice de reconfigurare prin metode clasice si interdisciplinare" CNCSIS R&D Grant, A-371/2007, CNCSIS, Romanian Ministry of Education, Bucharest, Romania. Total value: 69769 ROL