Computer programming - Lab 7

1. Write a program that reads whitespace-separated numbers from input and prints out the sum of all integer numbers, and the sum of all floating-point numbers. Ignore overflow issues.

2. Write a function that takes as parameter a word (string without whitespace) and counts how many times the string appears as such in the input (separated by whitespace from other words).

3. Write a program that processes an input in CSV (comma-separated values) format. Each line contains, in fields separated by commas, a student's full name, and three numeric grades. Some grades may be missing, but the comma separators are mandatory. Print out each student name with their grade average. An average can only be computed if all grades exist and are at least 5. Otherwise, print "N/A".

4. Write a program that extracts URLs from standard input. A URL is written between double quote signs ", starts with http:// and contains at least one period; if a further slash character / appears, there must be at least one period before the slash. Print only the domain part of the URL, starting with http:// and ending with the first / that follows, or until the end, if there is none.

Marius Minea
Last modified: Tue Nov 6 7:45:00 EET 2013