Design and Architecture of Complex Software Systems (DACSS)

Assignment 2: The Reflection Pattern - Track A: Using reflective features of programming languages


This is one of the choices for Assignment 2.

Objective: Using reflective capabilities of programming languages - Dynamic instantiation

Assignment description

Using the reflective capabilities of java (java.lang.reflection) or .NET (System.Reflection) implement a simple SpaceInvader simulator.


The Universe is a program, running continuously and hosting different living beings. Each being has a lifetime and "lives" according to its own style. The Universe does not know what beings live in it. From time to time, aliens (files containing unknown compiled classes) are teleported into the universe using a special teleport gate (a special folder where the class files are copied at random moments of time). The universe acts as a friendly host and will revive the freshly arrived aliens (instantiate them) and help them to manifest themselves (discover and invoke their methods).

Your program has to:
