Proiectarea si Arhitectura Sistemelor Software Complexe (PASSC).
Design and Architecture of Complex Software Systems (DACSS)
Proiectarea si Arhityectura Sistemelor Software Complexe (PASSC).
Design and Architecture of Complex Software Systems (DACSS)
Lectures: Schedule and Slides
- Course overview and administration
Part I - Introduction and Basic Concepts
- Week 1. Introduction. What is software architecturre
- Slides: dacss1-2024.pptx
- Reading: [Bass] - Chap.1.1- Where do architectures come from ?
[Bass] - Chap 2 - What is software architecture ?
Part II - Fundamental architectural styles
- Week 2. Layers, Pipes-Filters, Blackboard
- Week 3. Event-driven
- Slides: dacss3-2024.pptx
- Lab: Assignment 1
- Reading:
- [POSA1] - From Chap 3.6, the Section related to Publisher-Subscriber (pag 339-343)
- S. Gupta, J. Hartkopf, S. Ramaswamy - Event Notifier, a Pattern for
Event Notification. link
Part III - Domain speciffic architectural patterns
Adaptable systems: The Reflection Pattern
- Week 4. A particular case of the Reflection pattern: Reflective
programming languages
- Week 5. The Reflection pattern
- Slides: dacss5-2024.pptx
- Lab: Assignment 2
- Reading:
- [POSA1] chap 2.5
- Dirk Riehle, Michel Tilman, Ralph Johnson: The Dynamic Object
Model, link
- Joseph Yoder, Ralph Johnson: The Adaptive Object-Model
Style ,
Distributed systems: The Broker Pattern
- Week 6. Distributed Systems: The Broker Pattern
- Slides:
- Source code - examples Sockets in Java: sockets examples
- Source code - examples Client-Server using
Sender-Receiver and Requester-Replyer:
- Reading:
- Forwarder-Receiver: [POSA1], from chap.3.6 (pag 307-322)
- Client-Dispatcher-Server: [POSA1], from chap. 3.6 (pag 323-336)
- Remote Proxy: from chap. 3.4 (pag 263-275)
- Broker: [POSA1] chap 2.3
- Michael Kircher, Markus Voelter, Klaus Jank, Christa Schwanninger, Michael Stal: Broker Revisited, link
- Week 7. Implementations of the Broker Pattern in Middleware Technologies
- Week 8. continue discussion on broker
Data Access: Tehnologies and Patterns
Week 9. XML. XML Data Binding
Week 10. JDBC. Factory Patterns
Week 11. Data Access Patterns