Assignment 4 - choice A - Data Access Object

This is one of the choices for Assignment 4

Requirements: Design a Horoscope application, which calculates the horoscope of students.

The students can be read from different data sources (XML files, SQL database).

Use the Data Acces Object pattern to decouple between the business logic and the data source. The choice of the data source (XML file or SQL database) is done at runtime. The application can consider that the data source (XML file, SQL database) already exists and it does not need to be updated.

The business logic (the horoscope algorithm) predicts if a student will have a good day, according to following algorithm: if the number of vowels in the student name is a divisor of the current day, then the student will have a good day.

Bibliography: lectures weeks 9, 10, 11 and 12 (see lectures ).

Source code examples:

Deadline : week 13