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Petru Florin Mihancea graduated in 1998 "Emanuil Gojdu" Highschool from Oradea, Romania. In the same year, he started his software engineering studies at the Faculty of Automation and Computers, "Politehnica" University of Timisoara, Romania.

In 2002, winning the "Best Software Engineer" award at the first LOOSE competition (a local software engineering contest), he was invited to join LOOSE Research Group. Based on his work as a member of this group, he prepared his Diploma Project and Master Thesis. In 2009, he defended his Ph.D. Thesis with "Cum Laude" honors. During all this time, he was involved in different national and international research projects, publishing results at major and relevant international conferences in the field of software maintenance and design quality assurance.

After graduating the doctoral program, he continued and enriched his research activity on various directions. As a member of the eAustria Research Institute, he participated in the Spacios project, developing tools for the verification of security properties of web applications. Enjoying to build different kinds of analysis instruments, he also participated in a hardware research project, where he developed tools for circuit customisation and generation. Nevertheless, imagining and developing novel program investigation techniques remained his main interest. As a result, he start developing code analyses in collaboration with an important company in this field of activity, the results being integrated in a powerful code analysis product for automatic detection of potential bugs (further details are available here).

Currently, he is affiliated with the Department of Computers at "Politehnica" University of Timisoara, being responsible for disciplines like Object-Oriented Programming and Software Engineering Fundamentals.

Thanks Postgres leaders for acknowledging my modest contribution to their system. I am glad that some of my research activities have an impact on industrial products.

Thanks SCAM 2022 program committee for their appreciation. Special thanks to Alin-Petru Roșu without whom these ideas wound not have been put on practice / paper too soon.

Note: For his freelancing activities, check the LinkedIn profile.