Software Verification and Validation
Course 4th year (English + Romanian), sem. I 2016/2017. Last year's course
Instructor: Marius Minea
Collaborators: ing. Adrian Sima, ing. Alexandru-Sebastian Sârbu
Evaluation: exam
Final grade: 50% lab grade + 50% exam
Exam results
Course material
- Introduction (PDF)
Cem Kaner. What is a good test case?
- Black-box Testing (PDF)
James Bach. Exploratory Testing Explained
to Break Software (course notes, U. Alaska, after James Whittaker's book)
- White-box Testing. Test coverage (PDF)
Code Coverage Analysis (Cornett, Bullseye Coverage). A good short presentation (except for multiple condition coverage)
- Program verification (PDF)
- Static analysis (PDF) (to be updated)
- Model checking (PDF)
- Formal specification slides by Bertrand Meyer (p. 146-186)
Specification with JML. Tutorial by Kind Software.
- Verification of concurrent programs (PDF)
see also: Java Memory Model (course at Rice U.)
- Testing object-oriented software (PDF)
Error patterns (course by J. Offutt, without definition of coupling criteria)
- ---(holiday break)---
- Model-based testing
tutorial by H. Robinson
- Test Automation
Brian Marick, When should a test be automated (p.1-14)
- Integration testing (course, U. Ottawa)
Designing a test plan (p. 1-30) (for reference, see IEEE Standard for Software Test Documentation)
Brian Marick. The Test Manager at the Project Status Meeting. How to Misuse Code Coverage
- Security Testing
Clang static analyzer (additional material for Lab 6)
Other courses
Articles written by testing practitioners
(easily read, very good insights)
Introductory/survey papers on testing
See also reading lists: introductory and survey compiled by Tao Xie.
Marius Minea
Last modified: Wed Feb 8 00:15:00 EET 2017