Programming language design and analysis

Fall semester 2012/2013. previous: Fall 2011
Instructor: Marius Minea

Course information

Lectures: Thu 18-20h, A 204
Lab: Tue 8-10h, B528
Office hours: on request

Homeworks / lab / projects: 50%.
Exam: 50%

Lecture notes

  1. Introduction. Functional Programming.
  2. Lambda Calculus
    Readings: Lambda calculus (course notes, Jeff Foster)
    Principles of Programming Languages, Uday Reddy, U. Birmingham (handouts 1-4)
  3. Type systems.
    Readings: Luca Cardelli: Type Systems (p.1-7)
    L. Cardelli, P. Wegner. On Understanding Types, Data Abstraction, and Polymorphism (sec. 1-1.5, 2.1-2.2)
  4. Typed lambda calculus and type inference. lecture slides by Jeff Foster, U. of Maryland (slides 1-17, 37-48, 58-63)
  5. Eager and lazy evaluation. sieve of Eratosthenes. See also streams as delayed lists (from Abelson and Sussman)
    Continuations. slides, TU Darmstadt (w/o simulation of web programs, implementation of continuations) ML example for factorial
  6. Garbage collection. slides by Vladimir Shmatikov, U. Texas, Ina Schaefer, U. Kaiserslautern
  7. The Java virtual machine slides from Aarhus University
  8. Dynamic compilation slides by Michael Hind (IBM) (w/o details for sec. 3 and 4)
  9. Constraint logic programming. introduction, relation with logic (R. Voicu); or
    slides by Thom Frühwirth (see comparison between search/solving in LP and CLP, p. 107-123, 129-135)
    short survey (Gavanelli & Rossi, sec. 1-2.1)
  10. Language support for concurrency. More details: Ted Leung's A Survey of Concurrent Constructs
    See also: Concurrency in other languages (D. Aspinall, Edinburgh) and concept of persistent data structures in Clojure (J. Hickey)
    optional reading on STM
  11. Java Concurrency. v. J. Manson, W. Pugh, S. Adve, The Java Memory Model (sec. 1-4)
  12. Domain-specific languages. See also Martin Fowler's book (archived draft) (patterns for building internal DSLs)
  13. The Design of Scala. overview, tutorial (classes, traits, type system)
    optional reading: a presentation comparing with Java design patterns


  1. Homework 1. Functional program interpreter. Due Oct. 15, 2012. Extension: implement recursive functions (Oct. 22, 2012)
  2. Homework 2. Lambda calculus interpreter. Due Nov 6, 2012
  3. Homework 3. Type inference. Due Nov 27, 2012
  4. Homework 4. Prolog interpreter. Due Dec 11, 2012



Online Courses

Martin Odersky. Functional Programming Principles in Scala


Marius Minea
Last modified: Sat Jan 19 9:30:00 EEST 2012