Lectures: Conf.dr.ing Ioana Sora
Curent lecture schedule and current lab assignments on Campus Virtual
These are the topics to be discussed, with bibliographic pointers, lecture slides and lab exercises.
Week | Topics | Bibliography | Lecture Notes | Lab exercises |
Week 1 |
| [CLRS]-chap 3, chap 4.3, 4.4,4.5 |
Programming review
and Complexity analysis exercises |
Week 2 |
| [CLRS]-chap 12 |
BST exercises |
Week 3 |
Balanced binary trees exercises | |
Week 4 |
Various tree based data structures exercises
Optional tool project 1 | |
Week 5 |
[Unlocked]-Chap 9, [CLRS]-Chap 16.3 |
Compression algorithms exercises
Optional tool project 3 |
Week 6 | |
[Manber]-Chap 2, [CLRS]-Chap 2.1 | |
Week 7 | |
[Manber]-Chap 5) | |
Design by induction exercises |
Week 8 |
[CLRS]- Subchap 22.1 Representation of Graphs. [CLRS] - Chap 23 |
Minimum spanning trees exercises |
Week 9 |
[CLRS] - chap 21 | Minimumspanning trees exercises | |
Week 10 |
[Manber]-Chap 5, [CLRS] - Chap 15 |
Dynamic programming exercises |
Week 11 |
[CLRS]-chap 24, [CLRS]-chap 25 | Shortest paths exercises | |
Week 12 |
[CLRS]-Chap 22 |
Graph traversals exercises |
Week 13 |
DFS applications exercises | |
Week 14 |
![]() | [CLRS] | Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest and Clifford Stein, Introduction to Algorithms, 3rd Ed, MIT Press, 2009. |
![]() | [Unlocked] | Thomas Cormen, Algorithms Unlocked, MIT Press, 2013. |
![]() | [Manber] | Udi Manber, Introduction to Algorithms - A Creative Approach , Addison Wesley 1989 |
![]() | [McCormick] | John McCormick, Nine Algorithms that Changed The Future , Princeton University Press, 2012. |
Final grade = 2/3 (final exam + bonus points) + 1/3 lab grade