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Registration to ACM-ICPC Romania Subcontest is now open




Awards for the top teams from UPT

  • UPT4 - Heidelbacher Andrei, Okros Alexandru, Vanca Gabriel
  • UPT2 - Otilia Stretcu, Giuliano De Sabata, Mihai Simu
  • UPT6 - Diana Lascu, Andrei Avramescu, Alexandru Cristian

UPT2 and UPT6 will represent "Politehnica" University of Timisoara at the ACM-ICPC South-Eastern European Region Contest, 2012.

ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest, Romania Subcontest, 2012

  • Contest date: 16th of June, 2012, 10:30
  • Contestant meeting: 10.00, labs B614 and B613.
  • The results are available here