NewsRegistration to ACM-ICPC Romania Subcontest is now open Editions
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Welcome to the main page of the Competitive Programming Seminar 2012-2013, organized by UPT in collaboration with ACP-IT.Our aim is building a community inside UPT for future participation in algorithm contests like ACM ICPC and Challenge 24. This is the main page of the seminar where we will periodically post news, updates and links to training material. Organizers: Mihai Simu Alexandru Stefanica A new semester a new SeminarThe seminar will start Wednesday, March 6th 18:00 in B418.This semester will cover advance topics of graph theory (biconnected components, max-flow min-cut theorem, bipartite matching,..etc), also will dive straight into dynamic programming and finally will cover the subject of numerical theory.
Alex Last contest will be held on Wednesday December 12th 18:00 in B418The problems will focus on distance algorithms on graphs (Dijkstra, Bellman Ford, Roy-Floyd). Again, please create acounts on the TIMUS and POJ online judge before the contest. Mihai The next session of the seminar will be held on Wednesday, December 12th in B418.We will discuss distance algorithms on graphs. First contestThe problems in the first contest were: TIMUS 1022. Genealogical Tree Third & Fourth sessionsIn these we discussed basic graph theory algorithms Second sessionThe second session will take place on Thursday November 8th at 18:00 in B418a. We will focus on STL containers and algorithms that simplify coding in programming contests. Untill then, solve problems from the Ad Hoc problem set on UVA. Most of these should be easy straightforward implementations. Code on, Mihai First Session AnnouncementThe first session will take place on Thursday, November 15th at 18:00 in the B418a classroom. After an introduction and statement of purpose, we will dive right in solving problems from the UVA Online Judge. We recommend that participants have an account on the website before the start of the seminar. Hope to see many of you there, Mihai\\ |