Computer programming

Instructor: Marius Minea, (Office: B531. Phone: +40-256-403284)
Lab assistant: ing. Alexandru Iovanovici
Course: Tue 10-13, A115
Lab: Thu 16-20, B418
Office hours: Wed 12-14 B528, Fri 8-10, B418

Lab grades

Midterm results For short comments send e-mail.
Midterm solutions: prefix expression (see lab 3), reading terms (concise), bit segments (see lab 5), float mantissa (see last program for lect. 5), ints in string (version with indices)
Exam results (1, 2 and 3) To discuss your exam, set up an appointment.
Exam 1 solutions: change with coins, hexadecimal float, 3 reals per line, sort words in file (alternate version)
Exam 2 solutions: replace letters, unsigned to float, numeric expression (simplified), last n lines
Exam 3 solutions: n choose k letters, hexa string to num, string chars in order, extract HTML headings
set 2: balanced parantheses, rotate bits left, matrix multiply, image URLs

Course materials

An excellent pledge on how to be a student in a course (CS @ U. of Virginia)

last year's course

  1. Introduction. Recursion.
    Sample program: box fractal
  2. Recursion. Character input.
    3n+1 problem, read fractional part
  3. Tail recursion. Decision. Assignment. Iteration
    HTML tag filtering (version 2), integer calculator
  4. Iterative processing
    LaTeX commands, prefix to postfix, count words in line (one inner loop, two inner loops, in-word flag), balanced parantheses
  5. Internal representation. Bitwise operators
    bitwise addition, stream bits, bitmap processing, float structure
  6. Arrays. Matrices. Strings
    add numbers represented as strings
  7. Input/Output
    add numbers on each line, find full word or substring, find URLs
    Additional reading: Aleph One, Smashing The Stack For Fun And Profit, Phrack Magazine, vol. 7(49), 1996. A classic introduction to the danger of buffer overflows.
  8. Pointers. String processing
    cutting a string, building a format string, parsing floats/ints
  9. Pointer arithmetic. Function pointers
    Examples: string concatenation, sorting strings, vectors and matrices
  10. Dynamic allocation. Files
    Examples: write number in binary, info from bitmap
  11. Structures
    Example: Date with bits and bitfields, function terms
  12. Abstract data types: intlist.h, intlist.c, listprog.c, fiblist.c
  13. Implementing abstract data types. Review
    listfun.h, listfun.c, using pointers to links, queue.c, myalloc.c (more here), s-expressions
  14. Timing. Randomization. Hashing
    random numbers, hashing for word frequencies


  1. Lab 1: Introduction. Recursion
    Exercise: Write a program, similar to the one done in class, that draws the Koch curve, as described here.
  2. Lab 2: Recursion. Character input
  3. Lab 3: Character processing (recursive and iterative)
  4. Lab 4: Character processing (recursive and iterative)
    Solved problems: Comments and strings, read real number, extract phone numbers
  5. Lab 5: Bitwise operators
  6. Lab 6: Arrays
    Solved problems: n choose k, reverse each word, words in opposite order
  7. Lab 7: Input/output
    Solved problems: numbers with commas. Intermediate stages: 00, 0, 1; filter sub/superscript tags
  8. Lab 8: Pointers
    Solved problem: reorder cmdline args
  9. Lab 9: Pointers
    Solved problems: paste strings, combine array elements
  10. Lab 10: Dynamic allocation
  11. Lab 11: Files
  12. Lab 12: Structures. Abstract datatypes.
    Solved problems: remove list duplicates, number as prime factors
  13. Lab 13: Abstract datatypes. Review
    Solved problems: read integer list, reconstruct tree
Office hours (review)
print bits, swap groups of 4 bits, string to pointer array, read array of lines, Fibonacci words
read int, replace string, find string in matrix (variant)
bitwise addition; alternatives to sorting words: fixed length, with length byte
structures with variants (union)

Training exercises

  1. Recursion: fractals and grammars
  2. Recursion: rewriting, combinatorics.
    sequences with sum of digits 10


Marius Minea
Last modified: Wed Jun 24 10:20:00 EEST 2015